Your Personal Injury Lawyer

(954) 332-2356

At the Law Office of A. Scott Gow, P.A., we handle all types of personal injury cases, ranging from motor vehicle accidents to slip and falls. If you've been injured in an accident, you should contact the Law Office of A. Scott Gow, P.A. today to be represented by a lawyer who is not afraid to fight for your rights and who cares about helping you and looking out for your best interests.

Mr. Gow understands how stressful it can be after you are injured in an accident and he will make sure you receive quality medical care from a doctor of your choice or he can refer you to doctors he has known and worked with on many important cases over the years.  We will handle everything so you won't have to worry about anything other than getting the medical care you need after your accident.  We are not afraid of going to court and fighting for you, but we pride ourselves on being able to quickly obtain large financial settlements for our clients so that they don't have to wait years for the case to be resolved in court.

If you have been injured in an accident and someone else is at fault you should contact the Law Office of A. Scott Gow, P.A. today for a free initial consultation to discuss your legal options and receive representation from an aggressive and dedicated professional personal injury attorney.

To schedule a free initial consultation, contact us today
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